Join Us for our Third Annual 5K Run/Walk
On September 21, 2024, Christ the Rock Church is hosting the third annual 5K run/walk to raise awareness and funds to help end human trafficking locally and internationally. All proceeds raised will go directly to helping victims of trafficking.
All ages and skill levels welcome. Prizes to top finishers in age and gender categories as well as additional prizes.
All proceeds raised will go directly to helping victims of trafficking through the following organizations:
In some of the areas Venture serves, up to 70% of children will be trafficked into forced labor or the sex industry, and it is estimated that 54 girls are trafficked from Nepal to India each day alone. Girls are sold to be trafficked for as little as $90.
Venture helps to fund border patrol stations along the Nepal/India border where highly skilled women, often survivors of sex trafficking themselves, look out for women and children they believe are being trafficked, intercept them, provide counsel, and help those individuals return home to their villages if safe to do so- which happens 90% of time. If not, these individuals are connected to a safe house where they receive counseling, education and skills.
Operation Underground Railroad is a nonprofit United States-based anti-sex trafficking organization. It has conducted multiple sting operations, some outside the United States, and donated technological and monetary resources to law-enforcement agencies that combat sex trafficking.
O.U.R is the organization founded by Tim Ballard, whose story is told in the movie Sound of Freedom.
Inner Beauty Center in Milwaukee, WI exists to help the sexually exploited discover their value and purpose. A quote from their site says: “We build trusting relationships with those who are sexually exploited, struggling with substance abuse, and have been through more than any of us can imagine. Building trust leads to the support system needed to get out, get clean, find who they are, and start over.”
FREE International is working to end human trafficking within the USA; the USA is ranked within the top 3 worst countries for trafficking. They report that every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of human trafficking. They provide a broad range of services including direct outreach, education and training, survivor care, and legal services for victims.